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Aerial Teacher and Artist

Book your Class

Discover my Educational Card Game!

78 cards// 70 Figures// 3 Levels  // French & English// 70 Tutorials

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* Learn in an original way while having fun.
* Endless combos to create.
* Educational support for students and teachers.
* Learn the names of the tricks.
* A 100% Aerial Hoop Card Game!

Upcoming Workshops

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Studio La Milie - Lyon

Monday July 8, 2024 - Aerial Hoop

5 p.m.: Tagada Hoop Signature

6:30 p.m.: Spanset Experience

8 p.m.: Roll & Drop

information and registrations (click here)

Replays Online Class


Magali P.

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I discovered the aerial hoop with Tracy a few years ago.

It was a real revelation!

After a difficult day at work, it's always a pleasure to go to a hoop class with Tracy, it always puts a smile on your face!

Tracy is passionate and exciting.

As teacher, she always has little tips to adapt to everyone's level in terms of strength and flexibility. Every week she offers combos combining new features and revisions, we have fun and we progress! I recommend 100%!!!!!

Want to share your experience with Me?

You can fill out the form below.

Your testimony

Merci ton partage !

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